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History of Track and Field

Origins and Early Development: Modern Revival and Standardization:19th Century: Revival in England – This is where the modern revival of the sport took place. Schools and universities began organizing athletic competitions, probably due to the influence that ideas originating from the ancient Olympic Games had. 1866 – Establishment of the Amateur Athletic Club: The Amateur […]

The Heart and Soul of Rugby: A Journey Through Its Storied Past

Origins and Early Development: Formation and Standardization:1871—Rugby Football Union (RFU) Formed: Rugby football was formalized through the establishment of a Rugby Football Union (RFU) in England in the year 1871. The RFU standardized the rules of the game, which really set rugby football apart from association football, otherwise known as soccer. Splits into Codes: Professionalization […]

History of Hockey

Origins and Early DevelopmentA number of ancient cultures are known to have played some form of stick-and-ball game. Forms of hockey were played in ancient times in Egypt, Greece, and Persia. Other forms of stick-and-ball games which share a somewhat similar appearance to hockey include “hurling”. Formation and Standardization: 1908—Field Hockey in the Olympics: Field […]

History of Cricket

Origins and Early Development: Formation and Standardization:18th Century: The Birth of Modern Cricket: By the 18th century, cricket had developed with much more standardized rules and structures. The Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC), formed in 1787, took on the task of the Laws of Cricket. It played a leading role in the codification of the rules […]

History of Golf

History of Golf

History of Golf Origins and Early Development: Rules and Standardization: Professionalization and Expansion:1860: The First Open Championship: The first Open Championship, often referred to as simply The Open and the inaugural major golf championship, took place at Prestwick Golf Club in Scotland back in 1860. It was the very first major golf tournament and marked […]

The History of American Football

Origins, and Early Development: Formation and Codification: Professionalization and Growth:1920- Formation of the NFL: The National Football League was established on 17 September 1920 as the American Professional Football Association. It got its name NFL in 1922. The league began with 10 teams but continued to expand with time. Post-War Developments:1958 – NFL Championship Game: […]

History of Basketball

Origins and Development in the Beginning: Formation of Leagues and Professionalization: Expansion and Globalization: Modern Era:It is also during this period that the NBA finally achieves its pinnacle of success by globalization. Notable most influential international players who made an impact on the NBA within this period include Yao Ming, Dirk Nowitzki, Giannis Antetokounmpo, and […]

The History of Soccer (Football)

Ancient Origins: Medieval and Renaissance Europe:Medieval Football: Throughout the Middle Ages, a variety of football forms were played in Europe, and most of these forms of football were little restricted and involved a huge number of players. They were pretty disorganized and included whole villages. The games were often marked with violence and unruly behavior. […]

The Wave, the Rain Delay, and the Blue Rectangle on My Pants

Too many people are staying away from the ballpark these days.  They claim that the games are boring, they move too slowly, and that making the trek out to a stadium just isn’t worth it when you can stay home and watch the game on TV for free.  To those people I say, You get […]

Baseball’s Vices

Columnist George Will has pointed out that baseball is a game you can’t play with your teeth gritted.  Which is true.  But don’t let that lead you to the conclusion that baseball players are more easy-going than other athletes.  To replace the “in the trenches” intensity of more physical sports, baseball players adhere to a […]

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